As described in
Part 2, I got to Ytterby village at last.
I was going to Ytterby mine from now on.
Just for a moment, I needed something to eat.
There was a small supermarket near the bus stop. I bought a bread and a bottle of beverage.
I thought that it was going to raining hard at the exit of the store and confirmed a map, then a young father holding a little baby in his arms asked to me, "Where are you going?"
I: I'm going to Ytterby mine. It's a sacred place for science geeks.
Young father: Yes, I know. Walk along the way in front of this store, and you'll get to there in about 20 minutes.
Swedish people are really kind.
Now, let's go!
The bread I bought at the store.

It became raining harder. My feeling is Dragon Quest at the climax. The music of Dragon Quest sounded in my head.

...while walking, a car was comming to my back.
I stepped aside, the car driver was a young father just some minutes ago.
"Get on! It's a terrible weather."
Wow! He kindly let me ride his car.
Less than 5 minutes, we got to the goal place.
The kind young father who brought me by his car taught me "You see a white signboard. There's the mine along a slope behind the signboard."
I thanked him and parted.
The signboard which the young father taught me seemed to be established by the local Rotary club.
But I could not read it because it is described in Swedish language.

The opposite side was described in English fortunately.

Well, up to mountain side. I climbed up the quite steep slope behind the signboard.
This slope was not on maps, I did not notice at all to climb the slope to go to the mine.
Because the slope is not an ordinal road.
If the young father did not talk to me, I did not notice the slope and satisfied only with having come till the place of a white signboard, without noticing this hill, and having returned. I must really appreciate the young father.

Ytterby mine, Vaxholm, SwedenThe slope was too precipitous. I unintentionally took a photo.
My umbrella is photographed.

I went up the slope, oh there it is! Impressed!!
Ytterby mine, Vaxholm, Sweden
Certainly it is the same face place I saw in Wikipedia.

Landscape around the face plate, Part 1.

Landscape around the face plate, Part 2.

Point which is lower by one step from the face plate.
It was the entrance of the mine. It is blocked at present.

Views of the right of the mine entrance.

360 view around the face place.
Panorama of Ytterby mine, Vaxholm, Sweden
To be continued to
Part 4. visit to Ytterby mine (3 of 4)